Thought I had

People got their complaint department but I just don’t have one. No, I don’t want one to be precise…

If after one married, will it be humiliating to live under the same roof with their parents?

Why is it?

It brings up a thinking of “too poor to own one”?

And why public has such a negative thought?

Can’t it be “I don’t want to leave my parents”?

Or “I want to look after my parents”?

Now does it looks humiliating?

Most of the people today want to live as far and as soon as they could from their parents after marriage. And why?

It does really sounds like they hate their parents and just want to stay away from them.

Does it sounds humiliating?

Public must have been missed that thought.

Most of the people today marry at the age of 30, or even worse, older than 30, still single.

Because what? Because they needed to have “asset” to fulfill “public admiral”.

One day when you’re old and you will have wanted to live longer to see your child’s life, or maybe your grandchild.

Too bad its too late.

Cause you’ve been trying to satisfy public, not yours.

Or maybe you won’t, because you hate one.


Recently I’ve made myself a new blog. because I’d need something faster, simplier and just concentrate on 1 thing at a time.

WordPress is great… But not with the combination of Screamyx which make loading/uploading picture like waiting for bank loan aprroval.

One mistake that I rojaked this wordpress as well… Game, photograph, family, personal life, friends all under 1 web is just going to blur people out, “What the hell is this blog was about?”.

I will not abandon wordpress straight away, I’ll use 2 blog anyway. It will just become less post count for either one.

Have a nice day 😉

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.
By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.
-David Weatherford

Well, this is not what I wanted to post originally. Previous one had story of my tough time and gone missing by overload connection… Darn too lazy to type back..

Camwhore, an undefined new definition for those who love to take self-portraiture picture. Through the word itself (camwhore) I can tell it made out of ‘negative force’, probably to express ‘disgust’ kind of feeling toward someone’s friends or foes. I don’t know, maybe their friends are too ugly or simply disgusting by their behavior (playgirl, casanova, acts cool)… So by seeing his/her photo posing up… Really feel like want to curse he/she. Hence, by calling his/her friends “camwhore” to gain guilty pleasure… But some peeps are comparing the self-portraiture and camwhore.

I hate to say this, I respect those whom are photogenic. They can pose, dress, make up or even show expression just like celebrities in magazine cover. Of course some will fail to be photogenic, ended up posting up some picture on the web that one will curse them ‘acting’ cool, handsome, pretty, cute, chio, etc..

What I tried to tell here, not all self-taking-pictures are camwhore. Hey, it an art if you are clueless. Self-portraiture is one of the basic way to learn mastering exposure, lightning, pose, texture, and such (I am talking about some serious photography style here, not going to shopping center and pulling out digital camera and snap oneself) before going to modeling shoot out. The reason lies behind is as an amateur, of course one couldn’t afford (some could afford it, but pricey) to hire a model for practicing the basics, by using oneself as subject, one can practice as long as he/she wants, without have to pay. Sure some could ask their friend to model without have to pay charges, but hey, mastering lightning need experimenting, and using friend as ‘white mice’ isn’t that appropriate isn’t it? Friend isn’t available all the time, example if you want to take picture with the theme ‘city in midnight hour’, you can’t expect your friend to be with you until midnight just to accomplish our mission right?

Or sometime when you’re alone, and you saw the perfect sunrise ever, but you need a subject in the photo, to emphasis theme ‘a new beginning’ for competition on camera magazine, but you look around, there is NO ONE! So you can frame yourself in the picture. It is really useful if you happen to know how to set up ‘self-portraiture’ camera quick before the ‘perfect sky color’ moment gone.

Yes, self-portraiture has it own setup. Your need to know where the focus is on, composition of picture, horizontal alignment, running back and forth to adjust all these stuff, having chances of not framed properly because 10 seconds timer isn’t enough to run to desired position. Heck, those stuff are confusing and tiresome.

Got the idea of self-portraiture yet?

It an unlimited resource of model and time. It is flexible and story telling. It all about controlling the subject, background and lightning. It’s not camwhore.

A link for fine art self-portraiture.

While most of the Poli students rant about their LI (Latihan Industri), some unknown fella in Friendster shouted out “I wish time can goes faster to end LI!!”, and one of my friend put in MSN, “must write same report everyday…siennnn..”.
The title question popped up…
Should I beat, or meet?

Alright, let me describe what my own feeling toward LI starting with advantages.

It build up relation with the company.
Yup, for me that’s the main reason. To establish bonding with the company you work with. After graduation, at least you can work at there immediately just because you have the ‘network’ with company insider. You can work as permanent if the company served employee well; nice amount of salary and other benefits, or just a temporary job while searching for better job (so that you won’t listed as one of many “pengangur” in local newspaper). In my case, I really hope that my company I am ‘training’ in re-hire me after graduated. Many seniors here said, I you have no bad track records and attended most of the training here, big time they will re-hire you back. Let’s hope so…

Know your field. Set your future.
Frankly, before LI, while doing all those ridiculous equations with tired palm and non stop ranting about how usefulness braincell-killer numbers and symbol will be in practical… So now I knew what the use of it… It totally USELESS!! Enough said! At least for company I worked with now… According to other senior, he said so that all those stuffs he learnt in Universiti weren’t applied to his daily job. Just served as ‘nice-to-know’ basis. That is why company provides hundreds of training hour for employee. What I tried to point out here is through LI, it going to give an idea on what’s important, what’s not in your so called syllabus. What will be applied in your daily job. Being able to tells what’s the stuffs that ‘nice-to-know’ and ‘need-to-know’.

It’s a job-swap game show.
Even watched “Wife swap” television game show? It’s about 2 families swapping the wife/mother of family with each other and live for certain time (a week). So after that period of dis-comfortness with other family living style, those family and wife will cries for their own family back. See what I mean? Same goes to student whom think that working life rocks (yeah, they rocks but working for 10 years? 20 years? or the rest of your life with low salary because of without proper qualification? Believe me, if the ‘rocks’ mean ‘hard-rock-suffering’, that’s do applied), campus life sucks to change their mindset. Yes, me myself think that working life rocks, but that is another 4 years time frame. Not now. Not by the meaning of quitting study.


It will going either brain-muscle-dying-of-no-work or body-muscle-acid-lactic-overdose.
Yeah, expect that. No way a company will let a undergraduate poli student to touch their “rice bowl” machine. Especially those big company with all confidential information with multi users server, just seem to quite impossible for a newbie who know shit to type UNIX commands and screw up the server.. So it will going to be dead working or dead sleeping. By the meaning of the rest, do the coolie work. Getting whipped and smacked building railway tracks like in 18th century. It’s will not be rainbows and butterflies in your study period. It hardly will.

Seems like I am out of idea of disadvantage. However, on the other hand, it’s doesn’t matter if LI causes any bad or good. It will still going to applied in your life anyway. Take it as pre-working experience. Either you are going to be company’s sleepers or coolies, that’s just the way of working life. It will be either of them. Just like most of the student rants about trial exam. That’s the sign of weakling (me too). The final word is, I shall not ranting about them. Instead it a GREAT PLACE TO WORK HERE. Haha, company’s slogan.

Next year *gasp* in 2 days, I would be 20 years old… My english teacher once said, “People’s age that ends with “teen” were consider teenagers. Example, 13 – thirteen,18 – eighteen”. So I couldn’t carry the teenager tag anymore. I wonder if the word “ty-nager” (twenty) exist.

20 years of life, what had I spent time on? Nothing beneficial… I guess. To comfort myself, I always repeat after myself “Wise man said if you want to learn something new, you must empty your cup. Otherwise the water poured will overspill”. But my cup certainly don’t have bottom (lol).

New year coming up in 2 days! To comfort myself again, I came out with “Life starts at twenty” (not forty). Hopefully next year will waste no time on useless stuff.

I putting 70% on study, 25% on hobby (mapling and photography), 5% on internet and hopefully will push myself over 100% (yay!) I’m not promising myself to excel. Just to fill my life with something I’d lost and I love.

I stepped my foot into DSLR world back in the end of October and found that photography world is full of poison…
Definition of so called ‘poison’ (I found this term in and Alphanatics, not sure about other site) close to ‘tempting’ of closely equal to drug’s effect – addictive.
Of course, what photographer tried to pursue is a piece of nice picture or rather a “file” of nice picture in digital term. The tricky part was, there was a link between the camera gears in term of getting satisfying result.

To start investing on photography, the first thing to buy is the camera body (of course).
However, that’s not all. Be consider what package the camera included, body only or come with kit lens.
The cheapest entry level in the market (Sony a200k) camera + kit lens cost around RM1400~1500.
Usually the camera need to tilted with LCD protector around RM40 and UV filter to minimize the ‘flare effect’ is around RM50. A gentle remind that the camera doesn’t come with memory card. However CF (Compact Flash) card nowadays become cheaper. A branded 133x 4GB CF costs around RM60 only. Total up RM 1650 (Remember, that is the cheapest entry level with the lowest market price gears around!).

That’s not all, the kit lens which only have the focal length of 18mm to 70mm is for entry level only. When a beginner become more advance, the beginner’s heart will soon pumping at irregular rate – poisoned. When that happens…. Be sure to set a limit to your credit card or handle it to your nearest “finance minister”.
Sharpening photography skills mean sharpening the wallet..

Gradually, a person will slowly poisoned by the legendary bokeh lenses aka beercan of Minolta.. 50mm f1.7 or f1.4, 70-210mm f4 beercan and baby beercan 35-70mm f4… These lens are very dangerous to your wallet… These lenses are only for more advance users… A pro might consider Carl Zeiss lenses, G lenses and other 3rd party lenses, Sigma, Tamron etc… These pro lenses ranged from 2k to easily up to 10k… When the lens are being upgraded, keep in mind that the camera body will being upgraded too… The whole process start again where it’s begin…

That’s all for lens alone… For most users will also start investing in flash gun. One doesn’t come in cheap. Starter price from RM800 to RM1200 for Sony mount. Flash gun is a must in photography. Especially for night photographer. Flash gun can brings out the true colors that kit lens alone can’t delivered. Flash gun also enable one to shot variety effects of picture such as wireless, strobist and bounce flash for professional-like touch.

In some condition for night photographer, they tried to keep the natural color of the landscape or object, this is when the flash gun is least needed.
The triangular rule of exposure – ISO, shutter speed and aperture is nerve centre for photography mainly for poor illuminated surrounding. Example, in a poor light condition, the shutter speed must be longer to let more light detected by the image sensor. While the shutter is being opening, the camera must be stationary. Any movement will result in blur image. This is when the tripod poison come to pay you a visit…
A best bang for bucks tripod is around RM250. Bear in mind that for heavier camera and lens tripod doesn’t have that price tag anymore.

These are the most poison-ness gears for DSLR.
Not including the accessory such as camera bag. A good one cost you RM200.

Other accessories is cleaning kit. A blower, lenspen, microfiber cloth and tissues are must to keeping your camera functioning the optimum level.

So far I only kena Tripod and Flash gun poison… No idea what’s next… POISON PLEASE GO AWAY!!!